Saturday, February 16, 2013

20,000 views! Thanks Everyone!

Hey guys! I would like to announce that my blog has reached over 20,000 pageviews! I never thought it would happen this quickly! I only started blogging a couple months ago! There are a lot of Winx sites and blogs I would like to thank for welcoming me and/or helping me with my blog!
Now that I've been here for a while and have learned a little bit along the way, what else would you guys like to see on my blog? Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks everyone and have a great day!


  1. Congradulations! It took my blog a lot longer than yours did to get 20,000 page views! And I can't really suggest any tips for your blog except keep up with what your doing! It's working wonderfully! :)

    1. Thanks so much :) I want to start doing more episode reviews and opinionated stuff :)So we will see how that goes :)
